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Shark Guardian Camp by Green Semporna 2017

  • Shark Guardian Camp by Green Semporna 2017
  • Shark Guardian Camp by Green Semporna 2017
  • Shark Guardian Camp by Green Semporna 2017
  • Shark Guardian Camp by Green Semporna 2017
  • Shark Guardian Camp by Green Semporna 2017
  • Shark Guardian Camp by Green Semporna 2017
  • Shark Guardian Camp by Green Semporna 2017
  • Shark Guardian Camp by Green Semporna 2017
  • Shark Guardian Camp by Green Semporna 2017
  • Shark Guardian Camp 2017
  • Shark Guardian Camp by Green Semporna 2017
  • Shark Guardian Camp 2017
  • Shark Guardian Camp 2017

SEMPORNA, SABAH: Recently on 10th-12th of November our team has successfully conducted and organize Shark Guardian Camp in SMK Bugaya II. The camp was well attended by 32 participants ranging from 13-16 years old. These participants from 8 different schools out of 9 secondary schools that we have in Semporna. A total of 14 volunteers including myself helping in facilitating the three days two nights camp which full with lectures on sharks, leadership skills, and educational games. Two resources speakers from WWF-Malaysia and UEMS also has invited to talk about sharks (bilogy, ecology, threats local and global, and conservation efforts). Apart from that Green Semporna also deliver talk on leadership skills and environmental advocacy which delivered by myself during the camp. Others including educational games including the environmental story telling through arts and Shark Amazing Races.

Now we have 32 appointed Young Shark Ambassadors in Semporna which will help Green Semporna to promotes sharks conservation in Semporna and run Shark Awareness & Education Roadshow in secondary schools soon. One interesting story about this camp was is not only about the participants but it also became our platform to empower our youth volunteers. This camp was lead by our young volunteers Razali Kamran, although he is 19 years old, he able to put up a good performance and work together with other volunteers in making this camp happened.